Advertising Policy

At PakistanTimes Canada, we offer a variety of advertising options to businesses and organizations seeking to reach our diverse audience. Our advertising policy reflects our commitment to providing high-quality, relevant content to our readers while offering valuable opportunities for brands to connect with our engaged community.

Types of Advertising:


Display Ads: Prominent banner ads displayed across our website, offering high visibility and brand exposure.

Sponsored Content: Engaging articles or features created in collaboration with advertisers to provide valuable information to our readers while showcasing the advertiser’s products or services.

Newsletter Sponsorship: Reach our subscribers directly through sponsorship opportunities in our email newsletters, delivering your message to a targeted audience.

Social Media Promotion: Amplify your message through sponsored posts on our social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


Advertising Values and Reach:


Quality Content: Our platform is committed to delivering high-quality, relevant content to our readers, ensuring that your advertising message is placed within a trusted and credible environment.

Engaged Audience: With a reach of over 100,000 users and growing, PakistanTimes Canada offers advertisers access to a highly engaged audience of Pakistani and Canadian readers, spanning various demographics and interests.

Cross-Cultural Engagement: Tap into the unique intersection of Pakistani and Canadian cultures, reaching a diverse audience with shared interests and values.

Digital Accessibility: Benefit from our digital-first approach, allowing your advertisements to reach our audience anytime, anywhere through our website and social media channels.

Customized Solutions: Our advertising team works closely with advertisers to develop customized advertising solutions tailored to their specific goals and objectives, ensuring maximum impact and ROI.

Contact Us:

For inquiries about advertising opportunities and rates, please contact our advertising team at,

We look forward to partnering with you to achieve your advertising goals and connect with our vibrant community at PakistanTimes Canada.


Thank you for considering PakistanTimes Canada as your advertising partner. We are dedicated to delivering exceptional results and helping your brand reach new heights of success.