UNSC Report Endorses Pakistan's Concerns Over TTP in Afghanistan

UNSC Report Endorses Pakistan’s Concerns Over TTP in Afghanistan


The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) report has validated Pakistan’s stance on the presence of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) militants within Afghanistan. During a weekly press briefing in Islamabad on Thursday, Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch emphasized that the report corroborates Pakistan’s concerns regarding TTP operatives finding refuge in Afghan hideouts and sanctuaries.

The report highlights the potential for the TTP, labeled ‘Fitna al-Khawarij’ by the Pakistani government, to evolve into a broader regional threat, potentially serving as an umbrella organization for other terror groups. Baloch pointed out that the TTP’s operatives and new recruits are being trained in Afghanistan, further intensifying the security threat to Pakistan.

In response, the Foreign Office has called on Afghanistan to take immediate, effective, and robust action against these terrorist groups. Baloch stressed the need for Afghanistan to ensure its territory is not used for launching terrorist activities against Pakistan.

“We have consistently communicated that the TTP has a support structure in Afghanistan,” Baloch stated, adding that the UNSC report also underscores the increased collaboration between the TTP and the Afghan Taliban. This partnership has reportedly led to an uptick in cross-border terrorist attacks, predominantly targeting Pakistani military posts.

The Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team, responsible for the UNSC report, noted that Pakistan has faced over 800 attacks in recent months. The report raises significant concerns among UN member states regarding the escalating terrorist threat originating from Afghanistan. It also highlights the shared manpower and training camps between the TTP and the Taliban, leading to more lethal attacks under the Tehrik-e Jihad Pakistan banner.

Additionally, the report mentions Al-Qaeda’s efforts to bolster cooperation with regional terrorist organizations of non-Afghan origin, such as ETIM/TIP, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, and Jamaat Ansarullah, aiming for expansion into Central Asia.

Baloch also addressed the recent assassination of Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. She condemned the targeting of individuals within sovereign states as a violation of international law and norms, warning that such actions could lead to further escalation. Baloch criticized Israel for its continued aggressive actions, which she said undermine regional and global peace and security.

“Israel must be held accountable for its transgressions and actions,” Baloch asserted, urging Israel’s backers to pressure it to cease its unlawful military operations that violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries in the region

Malik Sunder

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